Aug 20, 2016

Detox Your Way to Beautiful Skin

I know that doing a cleanse of any sort can sound daunting. Most of us have tried to incorporate one into our life at some point (or at the very least thought about it…) only to find that it seemed to be more work than it was worth. {or maybe that's just me.} But it always ended up being more time consuming than could fit my life, and the few times that I'd attempted to forego the at-home-Martha-Stewart-juicing I was astounded by the cost of it all! {Plus the place I bought my 3-day juice cleanse from was not only pricey— but it didn't do anything other than somehow make me feel bloated and starving at the same time…and everything tasted like sweetened dirt-water!} 

It was nearly enough to make me swear them off altogether. 

Luckily, there's a much easier way for me to detox now….and it's one that I keep coming back to year after year! And my client's love it too! In fact, this is my #1 recommendation when treating difficult acne! And it's not just breakouts that a cleanse can help with… Built up toxicity in the body can lead to sallowness,  poor circulation and the creation of fine lines in the skin. 
It's often overlooked that our skin is our largest organ! It can act as a filtering system for the body when it's required to. For this very reason it can also act as a barometer for the overall health of your body; if it's being relied on as a secondary filter by the kidneys and liver then there's a good chance that you have an overflow of toxins in your body. And often times, when you start a juice cleanse, you'll feel crappier than you did before because during the eliminating process some of the toxins get recirculated into the bloodstream. SO…. this is where my favorite cleanse comes in: 

Dr. Schulze's {not the foot doc} 5 Day Cleanse is the key to making a cleanse…well…cleansing…

With 50 capsules of activated charcoal per day, you can guarantee that those nasty little toxins are sucked up and then OUT of the body! Along with a nightly herbal  supplement to help regulate your metabolism and digestive system, this super-easy-to-do-cleanse does exactly what it was designed to do: get the trapped toxins out and re-train your body to eliminate them itself. {In short: it's righting what's been wronged. The End. }

It may seem like 51 pills a day is extreme. But I truly and sincerely promise you— it's not! You're encouraged to eat 5 small meals (or juices/raw foods) per day while you're doing your cleanse. Before each meal, you take 10 charcoal pills, and you're done. Broken up into 5 segments throughout the day makes the whole process EASY. And the best part? This cleanse is tailored to everyone— whether you're a first-timer or a seasoned pro. It includes a booklet of tips and tricks, frequently asked questions, and a guide to completing your cleanse {even if you aren't one in favor of "juicing" for days on end} so it makes it fit with your lifestyle. {which is really great for mamas—since we don't have the "luxury" of ever feeling like ishhh}

I can't tell you enough— I never knew that doing a complete detox could be so convenient! {and you get a bonus gift: a super yummy air detox spray that makes every room in your house smell like a day at the spa!}

And just in case you are feeling like an overachiever and want to incorporate as many fresh juices as possible, I have an easy {and really great tasting} one to try. You can get the recipe here

Don't forget to presoak your fruit and veggies…and always add a bit of ginger ;)

If you've been feeling a little rundown or just want to give yourself the extra benefits of a detox then I highly recommend you give this cleanse a try! You won't be disappointed! What do you guys love about doing a cleanse? Did you think it was hard to complete? 

Let me know your thoughts, especially if you do this cleanse! I can't wait to hear if you loved it or not! 

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