Jun 13, 2016

Life Lessons + Instant Film

Few things are as important in life as having a strong support system. The odd thing about these systems is that we really don't take inventory of them until we are in dire need of them. {or so the case was in my life…} I've always been a bit of an introvert, so when I make a friend I tend to be pretty rideordie….which isn't a bad quality….but also didn't make me very selective either. As a result, I've hit many-a-times in my young life where I found myself experience a major angst — with no quality support system…..and few things feel as confusing as that! 

Now that I've been "adulting" for awhile, I feel that I have gotten the hang of a few things: 

1. Making sure that I have a few strongholds in my foundation {for me, I have five friends that I can depend on to give me sound advice and listen to my mental banter with zero judgment} 
2. Being okay with not being okay {good friends will only love you more when you're vulnerable….anyone else can suck it.} 
3. Celebrate being alive….with those good people….even when life seems a little messy. 

Now that I'm learning how to adjust my expectations and stop being such a perfectionist, things are finally starting to feel "light" again. {a fact that I rejoice in everyday!} And I'm really making it a point to live each day authentically….striking a balance between reflectiveness, thoughtfulness, and gratitude. In essence, I'm learning to live more in the moment and be thankful for having a moment to be in. 

It's also made me stop and look around me and realize that a "perfect moment" is that very moment— spent with friends, family, loved ones.  And it's amazing how trivial things become when you learn to see life from a new perspective. It's still an effort for me— nearly every hour— but it's an effort that I'll continue to put forth, 'cuz it's made me a happier person. And a more present person. 

It's sad that I'd have to REMIND myself to value the people around me….but I'm definitely guilty of getting too caught-up in the stimulus around me and not giving my full, undivided attention to the people right in front of me. {Again…something that I'm going to continue to work on daily} 

Can I just mention how much I adore taking pictures of the present with an instant camera though?! I know that after getting all deep and introspective, that that probably seems like a harsh segue-way, but hear me out….

They're the best things ever!

And they're such cute ways of recording memories….I know we all have fancy camera phones and digital cameras, but, there's something so "vintage" and fun about a "Polaroid" snapshot. I have an entire cork board devoted to my growing collection and it makes me smile every time I walk past it. {Of course, these aren't Polaroids; they're Fujifilm Instax Minis…..just in case anyone was getting their lawyer on the line for misrepresentation} 

Luckily, they're very "forgiving" too….which is awesome 'cuz the film definitely isn't cheap! Somehow they package magic into their developer! I wish I could have these kind of filters in real life. ;) 

The only bummer is that there's no duplicates…. It's tough to decide who gets to take the photo home with them. {Whiiiiiiich is why I just bought two and have them going at the same time, haha.} To all of my friends who are getting ready to tie the knot: please continue the Polaroid wedding trend! 

Those are seriously the best receptions and make for so many priceless photos to pocket and take home. {After I post some in the guest book, of course…..sometimes

I hope you all have had a wonderful Monday! 


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