May 17, 2016


{image from Tumblr}

It's not just genetics that contribute to aging well. In fact, studies have shown that a mere 25% of visible aging is connected to one's genetic makeup….which leaves a whopping 75% that's a result of lifestyle choices and how well we are caring for our skin! The good news about this however, is that those women you see….the ones that frustratingly never look their age, are taking actual STEPS to doing so— and you can too! {the best part is that some of them are even FREE!}

1. THEY GET PLENTY OF SLEEP: it can't get anymore basic or free than that! Getting ample sleep (7+ hours per night) and quality sleep, allows you to experience periods of R.E.M., which are responsible for healing every cell in your body….
that includes collagen growth and tissue repair— two things that are vital for maintaining your youthful face. When you're burning the candle at both ends you're literally deflating your skin cells and making yourself susceptible to crepe-y dry skin, skin that appears sallow, and acne (especially because sleep-deprivation ramps up our cortisol levels….while it gets you through the following morning, it's also going to get you a whole lotta acne too! Gross)

2. THEY HYDRATE LIKE A BOSS: it's another fundamental component that seems pointless to mention, but most of us don't get nearly enough hydration…even when we pat ourselves on the back for drinking some! Your skin is your largest organ. Just like any other vital organ, it requires water to survive and function properly. When skin cells become dried out they are as good as paper and very prone to wrinkling. Wanna make sure you're getting enough? Just remember that when you ingest water, all of your internal organs are going to get first dibs (they're closest….and like…sooo greedy. ugh.) so in order to ensure that your poor ole skin gets it's share, play it safe and just have another glass. For me! 

3. THEY NEVER SLEEP IN MAKEUP: Not only is waking up in last night's makeup possibly thee grossest feeling in the world, but it's also damaging to your skin. Overnight makeup can expose you to free radicals and age you faster, by breaking down collagen. Plus do I even need to mention the nasty breakouts they can cause? Or the fact that sleeping in mascara can break your eyelashes off? Or worse, cause a stye!! Or — ok, I'll stop traumatizing you…

4. THEY DON'T PICK AT THEIR FACES: you wouldn't think of this acne-busting tip to be applicable to aging but it's true! Picking at acne not only spreads bacteria (which we all know) but the trauma that you cause to your skin each time you do weakens it's structure. And that's a hard structure to restrengthen if you're a compulsive or long-term picker!! 'Cuz when you're body is in a constant state of repair and healing from the cuts you've just inflicted upon it, it doesn't have a chance to move into that strength-building period….so you're actually causing wrinkles on top of potential scarring. Hands off!! 

5. THEY USE SERUMS: I promise you— serums are NOT a marketing gimmick to get you to spend more money or to force husbands to buy houses with bigger bathrooms— they're one of the most important part of any skincare routine. And they're a necessity to garnering healthy, youthful skin. Why? Because they are concentrated, easily-absorbed gels/liquids that you can tailor to exactly what your skin needs to stay balanced. Think of it as a high-dose of vitamins to your body. You can do every other treatment in the world in my opinion, but without daily home-care (like even ONE quality serum) you're wasting your time and your money. 

6. THEY EXFOLIATE: Nothing looks "older" than dead, dull skin. A gentle exfoliation everyday or every other day, or a once a month professional exfoliation like microdermabrasion can work wonders at reviving your tired skin! And the sloughing of dead skin cells that takes place forces your body to produce new skin cells! Little baby skin cells! So it'll improve everything from skin tone to texture, to pigmentation and more….

7. THEY LIMIT THE "BADS": I know, what the hell does that even mean, right?! It means that women who age well know when to indulge and when to opt out. Everything in moderation right?….drinking alcohol, smoking (anything), chocolates, candies, sodium, diet Coke….almost everything awesome can all lead to rapid premature aging if they're done too frequently or in too high of quantities. You don't have to be a saint— lord knows I'M NOT— but make sure they're treats and not habits. 

8. THEY DON'T TAN: indoor. outdoor. nada. {if you want to be a cheater like me though, at least never tan your face!! And slather whatever skin you do expose in 30+SPF every single time you get out of the water} …like I said: I am not a saint and I won't preach what I don't practice, but there's no getting around it— if you tan your face you're straight up ASKING for wrinkles and blotchy complexions. (I think it sucks too)

9. THEY WEAR SUNSCREEN DAILY: this probably seems like I scrambled to find a ninth rule, but I wanted to differentiate it from "tanning". Facial sunscreen is not something that should be thought of only when headed out to the beach— it needs to be worn everyday; rain or shine! You're getting incidental sun-exposure every time you drive a car, pump gas, pick up groceries, etc… unless you are a vampire who only goes out at night, this rule applies to you! {….plus nerds like me know that if you were one, your lucky ass stopped aging at like 20… buhye!}

10. THEY EMBRACE THEIR AGE: The most beautiful attribute (IMO) in any woman, is confidence! Confidence is just plain sexy. A woman who knows who she is or isn't and  that she's a dime piece regardless of what age she is, is two things: she's hot and she's happy. And nothing looks more youthful than happiness! 

I hope that everyone is having a wonderful week thus far!! I'll see you soon. 

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