Jan 5, 2016




I get asked a LOT about cleansing oils…. how to use them, why you need one, are they only suitable for one skin type?… and the truth is, there really isn't a lot of information out there about such a lovely product! I'm not sure if companies just kind of expected that people would get the hang of them or that they'd be self-explanatory, but no joke, if I wasn't trained in this stuff, I hands down wouldn't know how to use the sh*t either! 

The biggest concern people want to know straight away is whether or not using an oil will cause more oil production (or acne…) and the answer is NO! The correct kinds of oils (aka: the ones used in skincare lines) are designed to do just the opposite, in fact! 

Fighting oil with oil sounds bananas but the truth is that "like attracts like". A cleansing oil can actually help to draw out excess oils from the pores; bringing them to the surface where they can be rinsed away. Unlike oil and water (which we all use to cleanse our skin, correct?) which repel one another. 

There are also benefits of oils like conditioning the skin while cleansing, preventing stripping in the skin, and working as a badass makeup remover! (which happens to be singularly the REASON I started using one religiously to begin with)…but this brings us back to an important topic when it comes to cleansing the skin: you want to make sure you're always doing 2 cleanses. 

So….think of your oil as your "pre-cleanse". You'd use it before using your regular cleanser to take off makeup or even just sweat and oil if you're not a makeup-wearer. So if you're in the market for a cleansing oil or you're interest is piqued after reading this, here's what your routine is going to look like: 

STEP 1: apply cleansing oil to DRY hands and rub onto a DRY face. (that includes over makeup….you're just gonna slather it all over, concentrating gently over lashes to remove mascara and liner) Do this just until you can see that your makeup is liquified and broken up. Next you're going to wet your hands in the sink and apply a bit of water onto your face. This is going to make the oil emulsify. (aka: turn into a liquid state) You'll see the oil thin until it's a white semi-sudsy substance. At this point you can rinse your face. 

STEP 2: while your face is still wet, apply a dime sized amount of your fave cleanser to your hands, lather…..you know the drill with face-washing. Spend about 20-30 seconds gently lathering your face during your 2nd cleanse. The purpose of the pre-cleanse is to remove yucky things on your skin from the day, but the SECOND cleanse, that's what's actually cleaning the SKIN

STEP 3: (after rinsing step 2 obviously) is your normal routine. Whether you keep it simple or have 891,000 serums + a moisturizer…. 

You can use an oil morning and evening. During these dry winter months I actually prefer using them cuz they're not making my skin feel tight. But if you're low on funds you can save your oil cleanse for just the P.M. if you'd like….that's when it's needed the most. 

For a few of my tried and loved picks you can check out this, this, or this

And if you try any brands I haven't listed and you love them, please share!!! I'm the junkiest of skin care junkies so I'm always looking to try new products! 

❤︎, b.

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