Dec 7, 2015


Whether you're the occasional-breakout type or always fighting a blemish, some of the simplest ways to achieve clear skin are right under your nose! To the non-skincare-diva my tips may seem a little neurotic. And maybe they are...but it has kept my skin clear for years-- so there's gotta be some truth to them, right? They're not difficult either. They just require some reminding until they become routine for you. I promise you though, once you do make them routine, you'll find that these fast fixes can have a BIG impact on the clarity of your face. 


YOUR PILLOWCASES: (!!!!) I'm putting all the exclamation points next to this because it's the simplest (and yet, most overlooked) way to clear your skin. How often should you change them? Well.....I might be a nutjob....BUT, I'm also an aesthetician! And I will tell you honestly that I change mine every 2 days. Yes. Every 2 days! No joke. I sleep on one side, flip it over the next night, and then take it off. That may seem like a crazy amount of laundry to do, but the truth is, I stock up on pillowcases from Target. You can buy sets of 2 for under $10. So I have no problem with our house having a surplus of plain white pillowcases. 
The reason for my compulsive case-changing?? It's simple. I use products in my hair. I wear Bio-Oil on my body. I wear serums and moisturizers on my face at night. And we all sweat to some degree in our sleep (whether we like to admit it or not..) Each night, we spend 8 hours with our faces smashed into our pillows.....I'd prefer for mine to be squeaky that I can keep my skin that way too! 

YOUR WORKOUTS: When we sweat it's best to have clean skin. (Of course you want to wash the sweat off post-workout as well. But I'm pretty sure that most of us like to shower after our workouts anyway.) Since a lot of us go to our workouts straight from the office or school, I understand that you may already be wearing makeup. That's okay. The most convenient way around that is to carry cleansing cloths with you on those days. I personally love the Purifying Makeup Remover Cleansing Cloths by Skin Laundry ($15). Even if you work out 7 days a week you'd be covered with a package of these. Plus, they don't leave behind a filmy residue which almost every other brand I've tried does. 

YOUR PHONE SCREEN: We forget that between texting and talking that our phone screens are coming into contact with a lot of dirt and oil. (Especially from texting! Our hands are touching everything. That's a lot of bacteria being transferred!) By using a paper towel or tissue soaked in rubbing alcohol and thoroughly wiping down the surface of your screen, you'll notice a lot less breakouts along the jawline, cheeks, and temples. (Side note: I've had so many clients tell me that this trick cleared up unexplained pimples they were getting in those areas!)

KISSING YOUR SWEETHEART: I love kissing my man as much as the next girl does, but sometimes if I'm wearing gloss, lipstick, or even chapstick, it can get transferred from my lips to the skin surrounding it. It's definitely not the end of the world but I don't like having blackheads anywhere....including near the mouth. So I try to keep my lips sans anything when I know that we could be cozying up. I know what you're thinking..... nothing says "boner-killer" faster than "hey honey, hold on a moment while I remove my lipstick." But it takes 5 seconds. Literally. If that's not possible, no worries. Just make sure to cleanse the area whenever you can. 

CLEANSE AFTER 'CUZE: I say jacuzzi only because I don't know who in their right mind would be taking a dip in the pool in this cold weather. But this technically applies to both. (I'm not the only one who loves soaking in the jacuzzi after a long day of work, am I??) Chlorine has a drying effect on the skin, so it's really easy to think that your skin feels "clean" after soaking in the hot tub. The truth is, however, that chlorine in and of itself can cause acne. Plus there have been multiple bodies in that water...chances are that the chlorine killed off any bacteria from their bodies, but still....

Some of these may seem like superfluous steps but I guarantee that if you start implementing them now, you'll start to see a difference in your skin! It's all in the details! And I didn't mention it in this list, because I've already said it--but make sure you're cleaning your makeup brushes once a week! You can read all about how to do that here

Cheers to crystal clear skin guys! Hope you've had a wonderful Monday! 

♥︎, B.  


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